Written by
Agnieszka Michalik
Published on
February 28, 2023
The Checkturio team is very proud to announce that our startup has been accepted by xdeck, one of Germany's leading accelerators!
It was a long and challenging journey until we were accepted:
Over 1,500 startups were scanned, over 170 startups applied, 17 were invited to pitch day for 7 places and Checkturio “got” a spot!
We are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to join such a renowned accelerator program and benefit from all the benefits it offers. We are supported by experienced mentors who will help us develop our ideas and move our company forward.
But that's not all. We also have access to an extensive network of investors, potential partners, and other startups. This gives us the opportunity to expand our network and make valuable contacts that will help us scale our business.
Overall, we're excited about this opportunity and excited to be part of the XDeck community.
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