Written by
Agnieszka Michalik
Published on
February 20, 20203
Checkturio and TÜV Nord are pleased to announce a strategic partnership in the area of immediate reports.
The Partnership aims to offer a fast and innovative claims management solution for customers in the transport and logistics sector.
Who is not familiar with the problem: After comprehensive damage, the other party's insurance company requires an expert opinion to process the claim. Until now, the claims appraiser had to travel to the workshop in person to report the claim, the Checkturio customer can do this themselves. With their smartphone or tablet, reviewers and customers are in constant contact and work together to closely examine the damage. The repair cost calculation, which is legally binding, is prepared promptly.
If required, Checkturio customers can make an appointment with TÜV Nord directly from the Checkturio desktop application for the immediate report.
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